
People Skills Success Radar: Discover Your Empathy | #LeadershipDevelopment

People Skills Success Discover Your Empathy: Image is a humanoid w/ binoculars

People skills success: Nine hidden places to discover your empathy for leadership, employee engagement etc. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Dealing w/ Constant Fault Finders: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Feb 27th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Dealing w/ constant fault finders is global #PeopleSkillsChat on Twitter w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ Author Leading Morale.

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Simple Tangible Human Respect: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Oct. 17th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Join global Twitter #PeopleSkillsChat Sun. Oct 17th 10am EDT w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ TOPIC How to Show Simple Tangible Human Respect.

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Make Life Kinder: JOIN Global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Feb. 14th 10am ET

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Join Twitter global #PeopleSkillsChat Sunday Feb. 14th 10am EST w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ to discuss what we can do to make life kinder. | Kindness | Love | Respect

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How to Resist These Irresistible Customer Service Urges | #CX #CustServ

Customer Service Urges: Image is talk bubble w/ shark fin coming out of the top.

Resist these customer service urges that you will otherwise regret. Latest tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership Customer Experience

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Dealing w/ Difficult People: JOIN #PeopleSkills Global Chat Aug. 19th

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

Dealing w/ Difficult People is our #PeopleSkills global chat topic Aug. 19th 10amEDT. JOIN host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ & global community to learn/share.

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Parents Changing Roles & Interactions: JOIN #PeopleSkills Chat May 14th

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Parents changing roles as children grow impact interactions between them. Then as parents age, adult children’s roles change and impact interactions again. JOIN Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ #PeopleSkills global Twitter chat Sun. May 14th 10amEDT to explore.

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Leadership Attack Responses: Smart Effective Options

Leadership Attack Responses: Image is round blue lights and one red one in the middle.

Leadership attack responses: 5 Smart effective options, besides attacking back, for leaders in responding to verbal attacks. Latest fr The People Skills Coach™.

Modern Leadership & Teamwork: Be Selfless Not Faceless | #peopleskills

Modern leadership & teamwork: Image is faceless mannequins.

Modern leadership requires far more giving & employee engagement. Yet it doesn’t mean being faceless. Key differences fr The People Skills Coach™.

People Skills Topic: JOIN #PeopleSkills Chat on Patience Dec. 21st!

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

The people skills topic of patience is always worth exploring & practicing! JOIN The People Skills Coach™ for Twitter #peopleskills chat on patience – Sunday Dec. 21st 10amET.

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Leadership Mirage: Do You See Patience or Inaction?

Leadership Mirage: Image is Runners in setting sun.

Leaders, avoid the threat of the leadership mirage that confuses patience with inaction. Critical steps fr The People Skills Coach™.

Simply Great Choices Create Super Customer Experience

When you get frustrated with customer behavior, are you tempted to respond badly? Call centers, contact centers, customer care teams, technical support departments — here is the antidote to your frustration! Here are 7 common situations and simply great choices.