
Leaders: Proving Need Not Stop the Improving #EmployeeDevelopment

Leaders, do your actions drive employees to focus on proving themselves to you or improving their contributions to the organization and its success? Here’s a checklist to assess what culture you have created!

Toxic Leadership Behaviors: Replace These 5 to Attract & Keep Top Talent

Replace Toxic Leadership Behaviors to Keep Top Talent: Image is Jewels.

Replace these toxic leadership behaviors that repel talented employees. What other behaviors do you think leaders should eliminate? Checklist from The People Skills Coach™.

Self-Bullying: JOIN People Skills Global Chat Aug. 26th | #PeopleSkills

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

JOIN People Skills global Twitter chat to explore self-bullying and its effects on relationships & success. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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How Perfectionism Affects Others: Join #Peopleskills Chat Nov. 1st

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

JOIN People Skills global Twitter chat Nov. 1st 10amEST w/ host The People Skills Coach™ to discuss how perfectionism affects others & how to deal w/ it.

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Leaders, Pain Free Journey to Engage Employee Accountability

Leaders see engaging employees for innovation as fun; they picture engaging for accountability as a weight battle of responsibility and blame. Repaint the picture and take this pain free journey to employee accountability.