
Customer Voice Speaks the True Customer Experience | #CX #Leadership

Customer Voice: Image is quote "Learn to listen sometime opportunity knocks very softly. ~ unknown author"

Listen to the customer voice if you want your business to thrive. Customer experience insights from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | #CX #Leadership

CIOs Checklist: Are Your IT Teams Truly Customer Focused? | #CX #CustServ

CIOS Checklist: Image is customer satisfaction box

CIOS, IT Directors, Managers – If your customers still say you lack customer focus, use these 12 insights to reshape your information technology culture and deliver the ultimate IT customer service.

Customer Experience Repeat Daily: Love the Customers Not the Rules

Customer Experience Repeat Daily: Image is American Airlines jet.

Want customers to love your business? Everyone in customer experience repeat daily, love the customers not the rules. You can show care and still work within guidelines. Latest from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Management #PeopleSkills: How Procedures Quietly Block Listening

Management People Skills: Image is Humanoid Reading a Procedure Manual

Don’t let procedures block listening. Use management people skills to ensure these 4 situations don’t ruin your success. Tips from The People Skills Coach™.

Deliver Top Notch Customer Service Even in Highly Regulated Industries

Deliver Top Notch Customer Service: Image is collage of industry images.

Leaders ask: Can we deliver top notch customer service even in highly regulated industries. The People Skills Coach™ says yes absolutely. Here’s how.

Leadership Reawakening: People Not Processes Create & Innovate

Leadership Reawakening: Image is of business people in meeting w/ flow chart on wall.

Leaders, is your organization process driven. Even addicted to process? Launch a leadership reawakening. Ignite and engage employee innovation this way. People, not process, create and innovate!

Customer Experience Leaders: Remove the Never Ever Rules | #cx #cco

Customer Experience Leaders: Image is "STOP".

Customer experience leaders, find & remove all the “never ever” rules that rule & ruin your customers’ experience. Insights from The People-Skills Coach™.

One Customer Experience Story That Speaks Volumes

Generic routine service and rigid adherence to process kills customer experience. Here’s a patient experience story that offers 6 easy lessons for all service teams.

Customer Experience Essentials for Former Government Contractors

If you have been working in government and now in the business world, shift your lens to what for-profit companies expect and do a new take on customer service. Here are the 5 essentials of customer experience from The People-Skills Coach™.

Customer Experience: Every Move We Make, Every Vow We Break

Super customer experience comes not from procedures but from awareness of customer perspective & delivery to it. 3 key insights to be in harmony with customers!

Customer Experience Super Blooms, When We Flex

Experts are saying this is the customer experience economy. Whoever masters it, will outperform their competitors and capture the customers’ business. Flexibility is one component. Are you ready? Read more …

Customer Service Reps: Give Them The Greatest Gift

Give all customer service, customer care, and technical support analysts the greatest gift, customer friendly procedures and policies! Here are two examples of not so friendly procedures and what to learn from them. With National Customer Service Week coming on Oct. 4th, have your teams brainstorm improvements to breed truly memorable service.