
Defensive Responses That Tell Customers They Don’t Matter #CX #PeopleSkills

Defensive Reactions: Image is a large branch with thorns.

These defensive responses to customers tell them they don’t matter! Stop saying them. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ , Author of Leading Morale. Service excellence, leadership, teamwork.

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People Skills: Replace The Deadly Don’t You Think | #PeopleSkills

Experience Dull Empathy: Image is T-shirt saying You're Stupid.

ONE word or phrase can mar career relationships & destroy your professional people-skills image. Leaders, team members, new grads — online or in person — replace this phrase with better alternatives!

Why Be Nice to Angry Unhappy Customers? | #PeopleSkills #CustServ

Angry Unhappy Customers: Image is unhappy emoticon w/ thumbs down.

Why must we be nice to difficult unhappy customers who treat us badly? The answer is not what you think! Simple truth from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ for customer service morale.

Customers Frustrating You? How to Feel Content in Restraint | #custserv

Are Customers Frustrating You? Image is Speak No Evil Hand Over Mouth

Are customers frustrating you? Here’s how to avoid losing it & be happy about your restraint. Insight fr The People Skills Coach™.

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Rudeness & Etiquette: JOIN #Peopleskills Chat Feb. 7th 10amET

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Has rudeness conquered etiquette as the new norm around the globe? JOIN The People Skills Coach™ in #Peopleskills global Twitter chat Feb. 7th 10amET/3pmGMT to explore.

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Rude Angry Customers: 5 Ways to Stay Calm & Caring | #Custserv #Peopleskills

Rude Angry Customers: Image is flower with thorns.

Working with rude angry customers doesn’t have to wear you down. It can actually be one of the best people skills learning experiences of your life. Think these 5 things for best results and to increase emotional intelligence. Great EQ EI tips fr The People SKills Coach™,

Customer Experience: Are You Betting Against Civility?

Teamwork People Skills: Image is the word welcome!

A 2012 American Express customer service barometer shows how important civility is to modern day customer experience. If you doubt it like some, you may be betting against the success of your business. 3 key points to consider …