
Disrespect People: When Are We Most Likely To? #PeopleSkills #Leadership

Disrespect People: Image is the word disrespect typed on a manual typewriter.

When are you most likely disrespect people? Disrespect ruins leadership, teamwork, morale. Insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Customer Service Incompetence: Empathy Only For Tears | #CX #PeopleSkills

Customer Service Incompetence: Image is a tear from someone's eye.

Lack of empathy for customers is customer service incompetence. Give customers empathy long before they cry or leave. Insights fr The People Skills Coach™.

Leaders & Teams, These Knee Jerk Reactions Boomerang on You | #PeopleSkills

Knee Jerk Reactions: Image is light bouncing back.

Avoid these knee jerk reactions that will hinder your leadership, teamwork, career & business success. Insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Overcoming Bruises Scars Failure: JOIN #PeopleSkillsChat April 7th 10am EDT

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

To rebuild trust in others you must commit to overcoming bruises scars & failure. Join global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. April 7th 10am EDT w/ host Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

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What Does High Ambition Really Do to Relationships? | #PeopleSkills

High Ambition: Image is bright sunlight with funnel cloud above.

Your high ambition does not have to ruin your relationships & leave scars. Here’s how from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach, Author of Leading Morale. || Leadership, Employee Engagement, Teamwork, Customer Service.

Overcoming Scars: JOIN People Skills Chat Sept. 16th | #PeopleSkills

Listening Again: Image is People Skills Chat Logo.

JOIN #PeopleSkills global Twitter chat (SUN. 10amET) to discuss overcoming scars of bad relationships at work & in life. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™. | #Inspiration #Growth

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