Posted in People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
What can we do to address bullying together? JOIN Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ in Twitter global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Jan. 16, 2022 at 10am EST.
Posted in People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
What can we do to address bullying together? JOIN Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ in Twitter global #PeopleSkillsChat SUN. Jan. 16, 2022 at 10am EST.
Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
In this National Bullying Prevention month, join global end bullying rally on Twitter #PeopleSkillsChat. SUN. Oct 6th 10am ET Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
JOIN annual end bullying rally in #PeopleSkills global chat SUN Oct. 7th 10amEDT. Host: Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ Share your kindness, your voice, & insights.
Posted in Careers & Jobs, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
School, life, career change people skills is #PeopleSkills global Twitter chat topic. JOIN Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ & community Sept. 9th 10amEDT to share your wisdom on building new relationships during these types of changes.
Posted in People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
People Skills & Education is our global #Peopleskills Twitter chat topic SUN. Oct 19th 10am ET. Join The People Skills Coach™, co-hosts, and community to discuss how educators mold & influence with people skills.
Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills, Tweets
JOIN our #Peopleskills Global Twitter chat Sun. Oct 5th 10am ET & add your voice to stop school bullying. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ and co-host Tom J. Rhodes.