Posted in inspiration, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Soft Skills
Honoring Feelings is our #PeopleSkills global Twitter chat topic. WHEN: Sunday Oct. 30, 2022 at 10AM EDT. Hashtag: #PeopleSkillsChat NOTE: USA is now on Daylight Saving Time. Click this time zone converter to convert Eastern Daylight Time to your local time zone. Background on Chat: Giving Advice Honoring feelings of others is key to great […]
Posted in Coaching Professional, Customer Service, Leadership, Leading Morale, morale, People Skills, Sales, Soft Skills, Teamwork
Use this people skills technique from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale, to use less bluntness & still be honest. Important in leadership, teamwork, sales, employee engagement, leading morale, and yes in your personal life too!
Posted in Coaching Professional, People Skills, People Skills Chat, Tweets
Growing separately together is our Twitter global #PeopleSkillsChat topic June 13th 10am EDT. Join Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ & community to share your insights and wisdom on this topic.