
Successful People Skills: How to Deal With People You Don’t Like | #Workplace

Successful People Skills: Image is diverse people with different looks on their faces.

Here are successful people skills that help you deal w/ those you dislike & find annoying. Insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Leadership People Skills Mistake: Mislabeling Communicators as Nervous | #PeopleSkills

Leadership People Skills Mistake: Image is face image of just eyes and eyebrows.

Leaders, are you making this needless yet harmful leadership people skills mistake? by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale. | Employee Engagement, Leadership Development

People Skills to Humanize Your Social Networking

Social media has expanded the reach and diversity of professional networking. Those who humanize the online networking with great people skills close more business deals, get more media attention, and secure interviews for plum jobs. Some key principles, done well, make all the difference — read them and add your best techniques here …

Successful People Skills: See Opportunity in Gray Zone

It is often said that successful people develop and practice great habits and are willing to do things others won’t do. To this list I add, successful people explore the gray zone of thoughts and convert to black/white results. How good are you at this? Read more …