
Best Customer Experience: Be Plentiful & Ready | #CX #CustServ

Super Customer Experience: Image is large bunch of peaches.

To deliver the best customer experience be plentiful & ready in these specific ways. Insights from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Super Customer Experience: Feelings Aren’t Random

See behind the emotion.

Super customer service experience is about positive feelings but leaders grouse that they can’t build a business on the randomness of feelings. Well customer feelings are NOT random. Look behind the impact of the customer’s request and you’ll find the pain and then deliver the gain — for them and for you.

Super Customer Experience: Rapport is the Artery to Trust | #CX #PeopleSkills

Rapport is the artery to the heart of trust on the road to super customer experience. 6 key steps to improve rapport and a validation of what’s in it for you and your brand. Inspiration for all from leadership through the front line CSRs.

Super Customer Service People Skills: Reverse Regret | #custserv

Super Customer Service People Skills: Image is Blue Egg w/ Letter R

Super customer service has little room for regret. By then customers are gone. Key service people skills to master from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.

Super Customer Service Experience: Picture It, Lead It, Create It!

Super customer service experience: Image is Artists's Pallette

Leaders, want super customer service experience to emerge? Engage your teams in games of imagination & watch them innovate what you deliver and their attitudes! Insights from service maven Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™.

Leading Superior Customer Experience: Turn Off the Power!

Customer service leaders, are you building a risky power-based culture or one of service excellence? 3 ways to check fr The People-Skills Coach™.

Superior Customer Service: Remove the Threat of One Phrase

Mislabelled Personality Conflict: Image is cracked eggs.

A popular phrase used today by customer service leaders and business owners threatens the integrity of our service profession. Here’s a winning alternative fr The People-Skills Coach™.

Super Customer Experience on the Road of Transparency

Here’s a current story of old time sales manipulation that backfired but good. 5 quick positive lessons to ensure your business wins big w/ customers. Travel the road of transparency and create lasting memories of trust that build your brand!

Customer Care: A Harmless Harmful Response

Every moment with a customer is our chance to build care-filled loyalty. Every word we speak can either build harmony or harm the bond. Here are 5 seemingly harmless but harmful statements to replace with far more care-filled communication. Will you add yours to this list?

Super Customer Experience: What Do We Want Them to Feel?

When agents, reps, & CSRs ask how to stay positive when customers take advantage, it’s time for leaders to establish a culture of super customer experience. Here’s the question we all need to ask to do just that!

The Heart & Core of Super Customer Experience

When a company operates from its heart to the the hearts of its customers, it’s likely to deliver in an outstanding way. Then why isn’t there more super customer experience and service? How can we ensure that customer care radiates in every moment? Explore these 5 ways during this National Customer Service Week.

Super Customer Experience: Give a Hoot to Give a WOW

To give a WOW customer experience, you must care enough to think outside your own company perspective. A recent experience with Cablevision illustrates the risk of tunnel vision and how to fix it.

The Emotional Intelligence That Feeds Super Customer Experience

The essence of emotional intelligence (EI) becomes this fail safe guide to the ultimate customer experience & service. How well does your entire organization use EI to secure the brand reputation of WOW.

Leaders, Can You Ace This Customer Service Recovery Moment?

There is one customer service recovery moment where many leaders, teams, and reps. falter. Here’s the trap, the reasons, the risks & a winning path to success for customer service, customer care, and technical support organizations.

Customer Experience: Using Jargon Requires Huge Leap of Faith

Leaders and experienced reps all know that speaking jargon can kill a customer experience. Moreover, listening w/ jargon can kill the relationship! Two short stories from The People-Skills Coach™ illustrate the true impact and how to avoid the blunders of jargon Jabberwocky.

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