
Celebrating Small Wins w/ Others: Join #Peopleskills Chat Dec. 6th 10amET

Putting People Down: Image is people skills logo.

Leaders & managers, do you have culture of celebrating small wins? JOIN The People Skills Coach™ & community in #Peopleskills global Twitter chat Dec. 6th 10amET/3pm GMT to explore.

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Employee Appreciation: Be a Buoy to Be Appreciated! #peopleskills

Employee appreciation: Image is the word Resilience

9 reasons leaders don’t show you employee appreciation & 3 ways for you to get it from them! Insight fr The People Skills Coach™.

Customer Support: Is It Actually Everyone’s Job? #Custserv

Customer Support: Image is the words themselves.

Leaders, in your company is customer support everyone’s job? Is everyone doing customer service? I am doing several posts on customer centricity. In this post I interview Vikram Bhaskaran to learn Freshdesk’s vision & lessons learned from flattening the traditional (hierarchical) customer support model.

Customer Service & IT Support Leaders: Do You Hear the Envy?

Customer service and tech support leaders often ask me how to respond to team members who ask: “Why must we treat customers better than they treat us?” You might think this is a cry for fair and equal treatment. Some of it is. The rest is envy. Build fulfillment with these approaches to squelch this debilitating feeling.

Do Brilliant Minds Breed Bad Teamwork?

The HR Director in a large prestigious law firm and the Legal Practice Administrator wanted better relations between the super educated brilliant attorneys and support staff. Here’s how we turned demoralized support staff into high achieving team players.

People Skills in Technical Professions, Why?

Some technical professionals embrace the value of people skills, others don’t. All want to know what these skills deliver to the end result. Here’s 3 solid answers.

Leaders, How Do You Inspire & Engage Nuts-and-Bolts Teams?

Leaders, new and experienced, must inspire infrastructure behind the scenes support teams how they are an essential piece. One proven technique…

Best CSR Adapts to Personality Type for A+ Customer Service

Customer service training for CSRs and tech. support should include how to spot and adapt to different personality types. From The People-Skills Coach, a fast method w/video…

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