Team Members

Customer Urgency: Does Your Team Truly Deliver on It? | #CX #Leadership

Customer Urgency: Image is a Leonardo Da Vinci quote about the urgency of doing not just knowing.

Leaders, do your teams truly understand and deliver on customer urgency? If your answer is, “Yes, because we have priority schemes they follow,” you may be surprised to witness what actually happens in real time. Image by Patti Morris via Flickr Attribution License. Customer Urgency: Do Your Teams Truly Deliver on It? Recent Event I […]

Lead Behavior Change or Don’t Be the Leader | #Leadership #LeadMorale

Lead Behavior Change: Image is grape leaves with one a different color

Teams must grow/change behaviors as needs change. Why/how to lead behavior change. Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ Author Leading Morale

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Extreme Behaviors: Leaders, Coach Employees to Moderate Theirs #Leadership

Extreme Behaviors: Image is Gold arcs and circles.

Leaders & managers, address team members’ extreme behaviors to sustain performance & morale. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ | Leadership | Teamwork ] Leading Morale

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Leaders, Reasons Highly Sensitive Team Members Are Very Valuable | #LeadMorale

Highly Sensitive Team Members: Image is large antenna.

Leaders, highly sensitive team members deliver these advantages to business. Tap the value! Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Lead Morale

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Why You Welcome New Team Members vs. Haze Them | #PeopleSkills

Welcome Team Members. Image is picture of Rockettes as wooden soldiers.

Workplace: Do leaders and team members actively welcome new team members? Or do you passively haze them or keep your distance to see if they measure up? Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, explains how welcoming new team members delivers benefits that you otherwise miss. | Leadership | Teamwork | High Performance

A Critical People Skills Moment to Handle With Ease | #PeopleSkills

People-Skills: Image is faces - happy, sad, angry.

How do you handle this critical people skills moment w/ co-workers, teammates, your managers and leaders? Insight fr Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™.

Career: 25 Incredibly Valuable Things to Be Instead of Leader

Leaders & organizations that salute talent who don’t want to move up the ladder, attract & retain the best. Celebrate these 25 and have your team add far more to this list! Great team building activity that delivers organizational success.

Customer Service Teamwork: The Sticklers w/ Hearts of Gold #custserv

Customer service teamwork: Image is heart shaped handcuffs

Customer service teamwork: Leaders, how do you handle the rigid team members who are sticklers for procedure yet care a great deal for the customers? Here’s the easy answer from The People-Skills Coach™.

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Employee Engagement: Capture the Magic of the I’s in Team!

Leaders, don’t sacrifice individual talents to achieve team member flexibility & generous restraint. Inspire these I’s in team for unparalleled success.

Leaders, Are We Accomplices to Passive Aggressive Team Members?

Leaders, passive aggressive behavior in the workplace can disengage team members & lower results IF we allow it. Here are critical insights and tips to prevent it or at least be the cure of this team toxin.

Customer Service & IT Support Leaders: Do You Hear the Envy?

Customer service and tech support leaders often ask me how to respond to team members who ask: “Why must we treat customers better than they treat us?” You might think this is a cry for fair and equal treatment. Some of it is. The rest is envy. Build fulfillment with these approaches to squelch this debilitating feeling.

New Leaders, 10 Gritty Questions to Define Teamwork

New leaders, how do you define teamwork? Beyond the common expectation of working together to achieve the end result, there are much deeper issues to address. Think them through with these 10 gritty questions to be ready to lead your teams!

Leaders, Is Our Knowledge Too Noisy to Listen?

Leaders and teams, knowledge can block listening to new ideas and studies show people have bias to creative ideas! 6 tips to listen better during change. Here 6 tips to quiet noisy knowledge and listen better during times of change.

Leaders, Do You Prefer Self-Sufficient Team Members?

Leaders, do you prefer high performing self-sufficient team members even if they resist input and help from others? What if they are highly experienced and knowledgeable? The impact on the success of the business …