Posted in Careers & Jobs, Leadership, Patient Experience, People Skills, Soft Skills
15 people skills truths from The People Skills Coach™ for positive interactions about success in business. Especially helpful for technical professionals, doctors, scientists & non-intuitive types.
Posted in Customer Service, inspiration, IT, Leadership
Customer Service Mindset: Be a key link in the chain of success. It’s service not servitude. Best in service insights fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, IT
CIOS, IT Directors, Managers – If your customers still say you lack customer focus, use these 12 insights to reshape your information technology culture and deliver the ultimate IT customer service.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, IT
CIOs, IT directors, and technical support managers of many companies face one universal challenge — cross teamwork between the front line service desk and onsite support. Here are 4 critical steps to meeting this challenge with great success!
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, IT
CIOs, the threat to IT customer service is not technical mindset – it’s blocked teamwork. Customers want productivity: prevent problems or unite to solve. Consider these 3 blocks and how to remove them.
Posted in Customer Service, Hot Topics and New Bits, People Skills, Soft Skills, Teamwork, Training
Are your technical support team facing organizational or operational transitions or pressured initiatives with clients? Keep teamwork and client service strong during the toughest times with special attention to …
Posted in IT, People Skills, Soft Skills
It is a myth that technical professionals are incapable of good to great people skills. Anyone can learn people skills and the value to the individual and the organization is immense. Here are tangible people skills tips for intelligent dedicated technical professionals including doctors, lawyers, IT, finance …