
Irresistible Customer Experience: What Every Customer Wants #CX

Irresistible Customer Experience: Image is pictoquote of Make positive thinking our way of life.

Delivering an irresistible customer experience is easier than you think and worth the effort! Tips fr Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale.

How Foresight and Forethought Create Fortitude | #CareerTips

Foresight and Forethought: Image is a gooseneck desk lamp.

To have more fortitude & resilience for career ups & downs, use foresight and forethought! by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale.

People Disconnect from Your Leadership for These Essential Reasons

People Disconnect: Image is an unplugged electrical cord. Image by Leonard J. Matthews via Flickr.

Reasons why people disconnect from your leadership, teamwork, and service (and how to remedy this). by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Feelings: Don’t Tell Employees What to Feel | #LeadMorale #PeopleSkills #EX

Feelings: Image is the word feelings with a picture of an on / off switch beneath it.

Leaders & managers, coach behaviors but don’t tell employees what feelings to have! by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale

8 Uncaring Workplace Reasons to Create a Caring Workplace | #LeadMorale

Uncaring Workplace: Picture is a half ditched row boat.

Uncaring workplace reasons to create a caring workplace. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Leadership

Leadership Role Models: Today’s Essential Overlooked Steps | #LeadMorale

Leadership Role Models: Image is a light cable plugged in.

Leadership role models – today’s essential yet overlooked steps. by Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Workplace Honesty: Diplomacy Beats Political Correctness #PeopleSkills

Workplace Honesty: Image is green plant with bumps on it.

Workplace honesty is diplomatic not politically correct. Critical pts from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author Leading Morale

Teamwork Weaknesses: Are You Making Teamwork Difficult? #Teambuilding

Teamwork Weaknesses: Image is paving stones w/ bits of broken chains in them.

When you think of teamwork weaknesses, what jumps to your mind? There are the standard images of some teammates not contributing and not being accountable. Yet because these are so visible, they are easier to address. Here are some subtle actions that you may be doing that make it difficult for others to be teammates […]

Use These Engaging People Skills in Emails | #PeopleSkills #Email

Engaging People Skills for Writing: Image is Heart w/ the word email in the middle.

When your engaging people skills shine through in your emails, you help everyone. Leaders, managers, teammates, and customers, know the burden of sorting through lists of emails and having to read them. From the subject heading on down, you can make your emails rise to the top of the list. So, infuse engaging people skills […]

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Generosity: Leaders, Are Your Teams Uncomfortable w/ It?

Leaders who want employee engagement do well when they develop a culture of generosity. Would your teams welcome it? Before you jump in and say yes, explore these thoughts.

People Skills Firsts That Create Infinite Opportunity w/ People

People Skills Firsts: Image is stone skipping ripples on a lake.

Initiate these people skills firsts to produce infinite business & career opportunities for everyone. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale.

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People Skills Truths to Unstick Leadership & Teamwork #Peopleskills #LeadMorale

People Skills: Image is the crystal ball w/ word intention.

Leaders don’t get stuck in these people skills leadership dilemmas. Discuss these 3 truths w/ teams for employee engagement & trust. Insights from The People-Skills Coach™.

Silly Mistakes Bullies Make | #PeopleSkills #WorkplaceBullying #LeadMorale

Silly Mistakes Bullies Make: Image is of a "silly goose" via Flickr.

Bullies’ awareness of silly mistakes they make can help them stop bullying. Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale | Trust, Respect, Leadership

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Teamwork Promises: Include Accountability! #Leadership

Teamwork Promises: Image is a sign listing "hive rules."

Here’s why teamwork promises must include accountability. Experiences from Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, Author, Leading Morale

Transform Accusations into Valuable Discussions | #Leadership #PeopleSkills

People Skills Transform: Image is two elephants butting heads.

Accusations create trouble for work relationships. Transform accusations into valuable discussions by using this people skills approach. Latest from Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™ | Lead Morale | Leadership | Teamwork | Customer Service.

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