Leadership: 5 Essentials to Team Building 21st Century Teams | #Teambuilding
by Kate Nasser | 5 Comments »
Team Building: 5 Essentials in Just 5 Minutes!
For leaders building great teams is perhaps THE challenge of success.
Teams that make the vision come to life.
They must use resources appropriately.
Teams that must adapt and grow to achieve results together.
So much depends not only on the makeup of the team but also how they work together.
Grateful to Barbara K for featured image via Flickr Creative Commons License.
For great teamwork, leaders must define team in a new way and build them in ways that match the team, the goals, and the changing dynamics of business.
Team building: 5 Essentials in 5 Minutes for 21st Century Teams
In this 5 minute team building video for leaders, learn the new definition of team and 5 team building essentials that keep pace with the changing dynamics of business.
Use the new definition of team that kicks off this team building video. The standard definition no longer builds high performance teams.
Boost team building efforts by one very important prep step.Good news: The prep step is easy!
Use appropriate settings for maximum team building. The very short true story in this video illustrates what happens when you don’t!
Clear the fog for effective connection. Leaders have the big picture that teams don’t always have. What does that mean for team building? This video tells you exactly in step 4.
Replace old maxims of teamwork or suffer the demoralized consequences. Step 5 in this video covers the most important belief to replace and what to replace it with — to retain top talent and gel them into a great team.
Use the new definition of team outlined in this video or your teams will flounder.
Have people get to know each other casually and then do more formal team building. It is not fluff. It is valuable concentrated effort to help teams gel, adapt to changing needs, grow and reach success.
Update for Team Building Virtual Teams
16 People Skills Steps to Dissolve Distance Among Virtual Team Members
I invite you to Contact me to discuss any of the points in this 5 minute video, to brainstorm ideas on specific steps to build your teams, or to engage my services in team building for remarkable performance.
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
Related posts:
25 Incredible Traits/Behaviors to Appreciate in Your Teams
Leaders, Great Team Member Attitude is Essential, Not Negotiable
Teamwork: Make Apologies Worthy of Acceptance w/ 4 Basics
©2013-2021 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email info@katenasser.com for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
Get more inspiration and actionable tips for high engagement results!
Buy Kate Nasser’s new book Leading Morale (Amazon.com).
That was an amazing post! I loved your brilliant definition of teams! Adding adaptability to change is very important in such volatile world! When you followed that with a vision you made that glue into keeping that team moving regardless of the team changing nature. Any member leave of new member join will be guided by that glue -> VISION.
I very much relate to that final point of the ‘I’ within teams! It’s “what in it for me” that keeps individuals within teams to keep those needed bonds through customized individual motivation.
Thanks for the enlightment Kate
Love your “glue” analogy Khalid. It takes many “I’s” adapting to each other and to change to fulfill the vision!
Many many thanks for your additions to this post.
Warmest regards,
Oh and above all… Nice to see you delivering such message coz a picture worth thousand words 🙂
I love this Kate, so refreshing with this video presentation to bring across wonderful points. Many times it is not so much about the change made but how well people/teams can adapt to those change will certainly determine the level of success. Thanks for sharing and will be sure to check out the other video on youtube.
Hi Yvonne,
I agree .. adapting to change is the key. We can’t assume that people know it’s a part of being on a team. Many teams focus on delivering on the current goal.
So pleased you found this new definition of team valuable and for sharing your time and insights here!