These Trivial Leadership Actions Create Consequential Results

Everyday trivial leadership actions are not so trivial after all. They create consequential results. Consider how these so-called trivial leadership actions accomplish this.

Trivial Leadership Actions: Image is person laying bricks.

Trivial Leadership Actions Create Consequential Results. Image by Scott Lewis via Flickr.

Image by Scott Lewis< via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Trivial Leadership Actions: Not So Trivial After All

Ambitious leaders often view daily tasks as trivial leadership actions. They are wrong. Everyday steps that leaders take create consequential results.

    When you …

  1. Get to know your people AND treat them with respect, you lay the foundation for profound trust.

  2. Put aside your own ego AND serve those you lead, you remove roadblocks to success. Many leaders put their pet peeves first and wonder why progress is slow.

  3. Are like-able AND still don’t spend every moment seeking to be liked, you can address employee needs AND encourage results. Many leaders think they must choose between being liked and producing results. Then they wonder how they got stuck between the two.

  4. Ask for employees input AND listen to it, you tap possible solutions that ignite success. You also increase employee engagement and morale. This matters. Compare this to leaders who give only lip service to employee input.

  5. Hear your consultant raise a red flag AND you investigate it, you prevent disasters. Many leaders deny what they don’t want to see or hear.

  6. Clarify your assumptions AND question what you don’t know, you prevent mistakes. Many leaders live their assumptions and suffer from their implicit bias.

  7. More Not-So-Trivial Leadership Actions & Consequential Results

  8. Appreciate efforts AND results, you make people want to contribute more. Many leaders only applaud results and wonder why commitment is not higher.

  9. See teamwork trouble AND address it, you keep teams productive. Many leaders sidestep the trouble and wonder why the teams are less productive.

  10. Applaud learning AND wins, you get people to take chances and try new things. Many leaders punish mistakes and wonder why the business can’t innovate.

  11. Share credit for success AND take the blame for failure, you and you integrity builds powerful respect and trust. Scapegoat leaders take credit for wins and blame others for failure. Then they wonder why people leave them.

Be a consequential leader. Never underestimate the consequential results you create with your so called trivial leadership actions. They are not so trivial after all!

What leadership actions have the greatest impact on you?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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10 Ways Smart Leaders Foolishly Minimize Employees
Employee Engagement Breakthroughs: Easy Leadership Fixes

©2017 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

Stay tuned for my upcoming book Leading Morale! For advance notice on its publication, please leave a comment in the field below.

2 Responses to “These Trivial Leadership Actions Create Consequential Results”

  1. Alli Polin says:

    You bring up a great point, Kate. Many of these things don’t show up on a to-do list or even get noticed as a part of a day of big accomplishments. However, the things you list here have a greater impact on success than the countless conference calls where too many people are on the line and it’s mostly FYI and so many other things that are viewed as non-negotiable. These leadership actions should be on the top of every strong leader’s list! Here’s to being a consequential leader!

    Will share!


    • Kate Nasser says:

      Love your reference Alli to the all-to-common conference call of FYIs. I am laughing at the image but certainly not at the experience nor the outcome. Many thanks for weighing in on being a consequential leader!

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