Business Leaders: Win Customer Experience Loyalty on the Move!
by Kate Nasser | 6 Comments »
Customer experience loyalty is born of satisfying customers especially during intense need. When customers are on the move, their needs are peaking. Businesses who meet those needs — in the moment and on the move — win their loyalty.
Whether the customer is a growing company on the move or individuals physically on the move, those who make their journey easy and successful win customer experience loyalty.
Business Leaders: Win Customer Experience Loyalty on the Move!
4 Reasons We Win Customer Experience Loyalty on the Move
Feeling of Need.
When people are on the move, everything around them is on the move. The unknown is greater than the known. Products and services that turn unknown into known, relieve stress, deliver comfort, and win customer loyalty.
Whether it’s one of many mobile apps that deliver instant answers or consulting services that move everyone past the roadblocks to success, meeting intense need on the move wins customer experience loyalty!
Desire for Freedom from the Ordinary.
Although being on the move can be scary, it is simultaneously freeing and exciting. Customers value products and services that move them past the dreary and mundane.
They are loyal to what uplifts and carries them forward when they want to move from feeling ordinary to living the extraordinary!
Image of Value and Readiness.
In a competitive business world, on-the-move information and solutions do more than solve problems. They make the businesses who deliver the information and solutions on the move seem ultra valuable and worthy of loyalty.
Products and services that give businesses this readiness win loyalty by enabling them to win their customers’ loyalty. Social media’s success is partly driven by this momentum. It facilitates more connections to resources, experts, and answers enabling more success — on the move!
Need for Loyal Servants.
When we are on the move with our customers, we show them our loyalty. As the saying goes, “we have their back”.
Our products and services are customers’ loyal servants — that build their loyalty to our businesses. This takes relationships with our customers from brief to bonded and from transactional to transformational.
Movement creates risk and the intense need to handle it. Whoever meets that intense need builds intense trust — the precursor to customer experience loyalty. Businesses in trouble become loyal to those who move them out of trouble. Consumers become loyal to products and services that meet their personal and professional needs on the move.
When we travel the customers’ journeys and meet their needs, they have no need to look elsewhere. When we are their loyal servants, we move their minds from “will they be there for us?” to “of course they will be there for us!”
What journey is your customer on and how will you meet their intense need — on the move? I am here to help you create that loyalty with your customers.
We will turn the risk of movement into the momentum of success!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™
Related Post:
Super Customer Experience: Feelings Aren’t Random
©2013 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
Great points Kate, I am always on the move with my clients, it is a constant test of my abilities as a creative, as each one of my clients is on a different path, different changes, always moving, and keeping up with them sure keeps me on my toes.
And so true that if I can not keep up I stand the chance of losing business. At times it seems overwhelming but when all is said and done I am happy, they are happy, and it is continued success for us both.
Exactly. Loyalty comes from where they are at — not where we want them to be or where we happen to be.
So if we want their loyalty we must move with them!
And that is what you definitely do. Many thanks!
Kate, An important point, as everyone seems to be on the move all of the time nowadays. Our customers are moving fast, and as you point out, we have to move with them to inspire and maintain loyalty.
Great article. It is super important for companies to be as mobile as their customers are. This follows the rising mobile trend, and it is important for business to be able to keep up with it.
As always, clear, concise and solid advice. It’s so important to realize customers are (hopefully) not stagnant. Asking questions around “where do you want/need to go” and “where are you now” are key in learning how to best help our customers achieve their goals. Understanding the concept of “time” in their business and life also leads to ideas on how to save the customer time, which in most cases is more valuable than saving them money.