Workplace Bullying #Peopleskills Global Chat: JOIN Us Apr 3, 2014
by Kate Nasser | 4 Comments »
Workplace Bullying: A Special Twitter & Google+ #Peopleskills Chat Event
WHEN: Join us Thurs. April 3, 2014 on Twitter at 7pm EDT. Hashtag: #peopleskills
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Background on This Special #Peopleskills Global Community Event
Workplace bullying is often a hidden problem with serious effects on employees, on the business, and on overall success. Some claim it is hard to define beyond any overt abuse or harassment. Others say that employees will claim it’s workplace bullying when in fact it’s just leaders calling everyone to full accountability.
Join us Thurs. April 3, 2014, 7pm EDT/Midnight GMT for this special global chat event to explore these tough questions together! We will use both Twitter (Hashtag: #peopleskills) and Google+ hangout so please join whichever stream you prefer.
Helping me moderate this live event will be Chantal Bechervaise on Twitter, Human Resources specialist with endless passion for learning and Dave Moore on Google+, inspirational leadership coach on human potential transformation.
Image designed by: Dave Moore, for people skills online community event.
Workplace Bullying: Special #Peopleskills Live Chat Event
Leaders today have far better ways to inspire, engage, and lead all to success. Yet the statistics show that workplace bullying is still very much alive. Let’s explore why and make a leadership difference!
Join us in this special global people skills chat event Thurs. April 3, 2014 at 7pmEDT that we call the People Skills Energy Bar. Let’s boost our commitment to get over the harmful hurdle of workplace bullying. This event is free to all who want to participate.
Some questions to get us thinking in advance:
- What exactly is workplace bullying?
- When does aggressive supervision/management become bullying?
- Do some work cultures contribute to workplace bullying? How?
- What forms of passive aggressive workplace bullying go on and what is their effect?
- Where in the organization does workplace bullying take root?
- What can happen to victims of workplace bullying if they report the bullying?
- How can leaders create a culture of high performance accountability without bullying?
These are just some questions to get us thinking before we begin. Actual questions will post live during the global chat event. Special thanks to workplace violence prevention expert Felix Nater for contributing much insight and thought provoking questions.
So bring your personal perspective, your favorite beverage, and join me and the people skills global chat community this Thurs. April 3, 2014 7pm EDT on Twitter (hashtag: #peopleskills) and Google+ to explore Workplace Bullying – Get Over This Hurdle!
I also invite you to continue this chat by joining the Google+ People Skills Community, The Facebook Group People Skills That Really Matter and the LinkedIn Group People Skills Succeed to be a part of all the people skills discussions everyday 24×7. Get your people skills community member badge here.
Shout Out of Gratitude
My gratitude to all who participate and grow the people skills global chat community on Twitter (#peopleskills), Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook. We welcome your suggestions for topics, offers to co-host, and most especially your diverse insights. Special thanks to the community and chat moderators Chantal Bechervaise, Dave Moore, Hoda Maalouf, Tom Rhodes, and Tracy Shroyer.
Hope you will all join People Skills Global Chat Event (#peopleskills) this Thurs. April 3, 2014, 7pm EDT/Midnight GMT to explore Workplace Bullying.
Everyone is welcome! We have only one rule in People Skills Global Chat: Respect for all even when we disagree.
TIP: If you have never been in a Twitter chat, you may find it helpful to log on to, or and enter hashtag #peopleskills. Sign in to your Twitter account. The venue will insert the hashtag on each of your tweets and you will see all the tweets on one screen. Other tools available are, Hootsuite and TweetDeck.
I am the founder and host of the chat and will be happy to answer any questions you have in advance: Email me.
Chat with you this Thurs. April 3rd at 7pm EDT/Midnight GMT in people skills global chat to explore: Workplace Bullying: Get Over This Needless Hurdle.
Until then, as always, I wish you bonds of happiness and success!
From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™
©2014 Kate Nasser, CAS, Inc. Somerville, NJ. I appreciate your sharing the link to this post on your social streams. However, if you want to re-post or republish the content of this post, please email for permission and guidelines. Thank you for respecting intellectual capital.
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.
Join me through these social channels.
Engage in people skills learning! Let’s turn interaction obstacles into business success in leadership, teamwork, and customer service experience. I invite your questions, share my experience, and welcome your wisdom.
I have been with my employer for a little less than 2 your. i am trying to get some advice on how i am getting mistreated and bullied at work. back in Sept of 2013, resource leader made a decision that was unfair and so i went over his head to get another answer at that point everything started. i have been treated unfair told that i don’t know how to do anything and told that i do not have the knowledge to do my job and treated like all the other employees can but you cant. he has givin me a very bad performance to where i did not get a raise and when it was time to do my re-evaluation i was lied too. we had a meeting to do my re-evaluation which is what they told me the meeting was about but i find out days later that it was a discipline coaching meeting. i have since then been wrote up for the 2nd time. the reason i have getting wrote up is because i come in the building to early. i start work at 6am and i get here at 5:15. this building is open 24/7 to anybody that works here. there is no policy stating what time an employee can come in the build. the policy states the work hours with flexability. i am the only one that he is saying can not come in the building until a few minute before 6. he constantly says i work unapproved hours and hours that i don’t work. i pull all my time sheet to prove what i was working. he is contantly saying that i am not capable and i don’t have the knowledge to do my job. i need help and advice. i have went to HR but nothing.
Hi Janice,
We will be responding to you via email over the next couple of days. I want to know more before I respond.
Glad to help you in any way we can.
I am a design lead and I was told that I can not do any of my responsibilities as a design lead. I have done everything that has been giving to me to do and have not yet had to give any work back and tell them that I could not do it. they keep putting in my files that I can not do something but they have not gave me it to do so how do they know that I can not do it. I have been told several times that they can do it but you cant. this company keeps saying that we are teammates and teammates is 1 but how can you be one when one person can do it but the other cant. I had my evaluation after I was here a year and the only thing good on it was that I will work what ever hours it takes to do the job. I asked them if I was that bad to where I didn’t know anything than why was I still here. i am tired of being harassed by him. and now since they lied to me about my re-evaluation i do believe my next step is getting fired.