Workplace Honesty: Diplomacy Beats Political Correctness #PeopleSkills

For workplace honesty, choose diplomacy over political correctness. The expression political correctness is loaded with negative overtones. Some people believe it is the opposite of honesty. Others resent it claiming it limits their right to speak. Still others claim political correctness is just too difficult and they refuse to do it. However, being diplomatic for workplace honesty shows respect, builds trust, and is loaded with caring words that honor others at work.

Workplace Honesty: Image is green plant with bumps on it.

Workplace Honesty: Diplomacy Beats Political Correctness! Image by Jessica Lucia via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Image by Jessica Lucia via Flickr Creative Commons License.

Workplace Honesty: Diplomacy Beats Political Correctness

Effective workplace honesty uses diplomacy not political correctness. Diplomacy is the pathway to deliver effective honesty at work. Here’s why!

    How Diplomacy Fuels Effective Workplace Honesty

  1. It honors others. It delivers caring honesty with respect. Everyone appreciates respect.

  2. It prevents you from slipping into bluntness. Bluntness is packed with your negative attitude and can overshadow the facts. Those you are speaking to resent the disrespect that your bluntness delivers. Diplomacy works better!

  3. You customize your diplomacy to each person. It seems far more authentic and therefore more effective. Political correctness can come across as empty, generalized, and fake.

  4. Diplomatic honesty is a dialogue. Dialogue brings better results in leadership, employee engagement, and leading morale. As diplomatic honesty prevents negative emotion from clouding the picture, it keeps the productive dialogue going.

  5. It says we all matter. Mutual respect and honor is a winner. And no, it does not require you to withhold the truth. Diplomacy is the pathway to delivering the truth with respect and honor for all.

Embrace Diplomatic Honesty

If you don’t know how to do it, learn how. I have articles on this blog and there are many additional resources online. If you refuse to use it with others because you find diplomacy given to you very confusing, remember that others may not be exactly like you. Diplomatic honesty does not have to be confusing. Learn it and embrace it. It will help you in every aspect of your life and work.

What thoughts or questions do you have on this topic?

From my professional experience to your success,
Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

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Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, delivers coaching, consulting, training, and keynotes on leading change, employee engagement, teamwork, and delivering the ultimate customer service. She turns interaction obstacles into interpersonal success. See this site for workshop outlines, keynote footage, and customer results.

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