Why Lead Morale?

Because great morale doesn’t just happen. Every move and statement the leaders take and make, affect morale. Morale is the very pulse of employee performance. It is confidence, purpose, enthusiasm, and discipline to overcome any challenge and reach any goal. Morale is all about employee dignity. It is not the fluffy touchy-feely free pizza days that many leaders and managers envision.

Lead morale to engage for high performance because if you’re not leading morale you’re not leading anyone.


Who Should Attend?

Executives, business owners, leaders, managers, project leaders, team leaders, supervisors, and aspiring leaders!


Participate in Leading Morale Workshop

Based on Kate Nasser’s book, Leading Morale, this workshop interactively engages you with specifics to …

  • Understand what morale is and isn’t and how to define it with your teams
  • Breed accountability and high performance not blame and self-protection
  • Create a workplace culture of belonging, respect, trust, and dignity
  • Unearth and remove implicit biases that are destroying morale
  • Use tangible steps to influence vs. manipulate
  • Get comfortable giving praise and appreciation
  • Address the 16 emotional needs of employees and lead with them in mind
  • Increase your self-awareness and face your fears that otherwise kill morale
  • Highlight individual talents and call them to greater team contributions
  • Correct bad behaviors & toxic attitudes to build and sustain great morale
  • Stop employee negativity and ignite contributions


Formats Available:

One-full day with everyone at your site or via distance learning video-conferencing.

Book Your Leading Morale Workshop Now!

Contact me vie email or call +01 908.595.1515 to discuss your organization’s morale challenges and schedule a leading morale workshop that targets those specifics.

Why Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™?

30 years of experience developing teams, coaching leaders, and resolving obstacles to great performance. MA Organizational Psychology.